Friday, July 30, 2010

The Sweetest Sound

Dale Carnegie wrote about it in his best-selling classic, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

It's a proven fact that it's the sweetest sound to a person's ear...

...the sound of their own name.

You make a lasting impression when you can recall someone's name you previously met.

Stop and think how you felt the last time someone surprised you by recalling your name. Didn't it make you feel special?

Zig Ziglar tells us, "People don't care how much we know until they first know how much we care."

The person who demonstrates that he or she cares by recalling names will have an endless supply of friends, customers and admirers.

Knowing this, how many times have you been introduced to someone and two seconds later can't remember their name?

Have you ever been at the bank, the grocery store or a ball game and seen someone that you knew and you couldn't recall their name?

Was it a customer (or prospect)? Did you lose the ability to build a strong relationship by recalling their name?

Simply put, making the effort to learn how to remember names and recall them is an important skill and goes a long way towards making your interactions more memorable.

Put some effort into this skill and improve the lasting impression that you make in the eyes of your customer. Hey, you may even make a few new friends in the process.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Todays quote - July 29, 2010

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." ~ Arthur Ashe

Friday, July 2, 2010

Having Fun Yet? by Chris Widener

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” —Dale Carnegie

Chris’s Commentary:Have fun and be successful at the same time? Is that possible? I thought to get ahead you had to lose yourself in hard work, pain and suffering? Not so! In fact, you should be engaging yourself in something you find to be fun. When you find a passion that is fun for you, you will give it your all and succeed extraordinarily!

Action Point:Are you having fun? Is your job fun? If not, you need to find one that you enjoy! Is your family fun? If not, make it fun! Life is too short, my friend. Have a little fun TODAY! It will make you more successful!

Reproduced with permission from the Chris Widener Newsletter.To subscribe to Chris Widener's Newsletter Use this link© 2010 Chris Widener International. All rights reserved worldwide.